Yes, we know it’s getting colder and the Winter months are not too far away but now is the time dust of the gum boots and explore nature when it’s at it’s greenest. It’s time to play outside, and we are not just talking about the kids. With the latest app and many streaming devices to choose from, it’s easy to stay inside and cosy up on the couch, and while we all need the downtime, we need to remember to play outside this Winter. For us as adults, and for our kids so switch off this Winter, literally. Go outside. Explore. Play. We found this blog feature from Harvard, which details 6 reasons why our kids should play outside, which include Sunshine, Exercise, Executive Function, learning to take risks, Socialisation and appreciation of nature. Read the full article HERE! With the benefits of playing outside well known, lets look at what and how we can play outside this Winter. Find joy in the little things The little things, we loved them as kids and our kids love them now… and mostly, the little things are easy to do and right outside our front door. What are the ‘little things’? Jumping in puddles with your kids, not watching. Just imagine the joy on their faces when you put your gumboots too and join in, these are memories that they won’t forget. Practise skimming rocks. Waste the day away, listening to the waves, and throwing rocks into the water. Collect Autumn leaves and create a collage Bubbles! Invest in a bubble wand, it’s such simple fun to get outside and jump around to pop bubbles. You can easily make your own mix, just google ‘non-toxic bubble mix’ and find a recipe that suits you. Plant some Winter vegetables, visit Bunnings and ask the kids to pick up some Winter seedlings, a pot and they can plant it and watch them grow. 2. Adventure Walks As we embrace the concept of ‘exploring our own backyard’ there is no better time to go on an adventure. we have so many places to step into nature and be outdoors, here are just a few. Woorabinda Bushland Reserve Loop, Stirling Wirraparinga Trail Loop, Mitcham Blackwood Forest Recreation Park, Blackwood Chookarloo Walk, Kuitpo Forest Fourth Creek Walk, Morialta Conservation Park St Kilda Mangrove Trail (and visit the St Kilda Adventure Playground and make a day of…
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